A while back, I wrote an article called 5 Ways to Kill Your Business Goals. As in, here are five barriers, obstacles, brick walls, blind spots, or challenges that will probably get in the way of you hitting your goals and reaching the Promised Land.
How are those goals coming along?
I haven’t hit all of my goals either. It happens. But hopefully for the right reasons. Maybe it’s time to regroup and get back on track. Hire that assistant. Establish that target market. Transition to a fee-based system that makes sense. Implement a seminar aspect to your business. A referral process. A new job. Join a networking group. Start a networking group.
Of course, it might also be time to fire that assistant that’s costing you more money than it’s worth. There’s also the personal stuff like fitness goals, weight loss, relationships, that conversation you should really have with your 14-year-old daughter before she goes off the deep end, that much-needed vacation, and so on.
It’s time. What is the one goal that will make your year if you achieve it? Write it down! Most goals don’t get accomplished. And here’s why!
Lack of Passion
If there is no passion behind your goal, it will come to a screeching halt. It’s difficult to define passion, but here goes! Passion is feeling so strongly about something that you’re willing to move time in your schedule to do it. For example, I’m passionate about boxing. I’m willing to move time on my calendar just to get my training in. I invest time, energy, and money to improve. And maybe most importantly, I can’t hide my excitement when I talk about it. I’m excited just thinking about it now. How passionate are you about your goal?
No Clear Outcome
The goal lacks specifics. For example, I’m going to be a more successful financial advisor is an admiral desire but difficult to measure. It’s hard to determine a start and end point. How do you know you’ve hit your goal? I’m going generate at least 5 referrals a week is much more impactful and measurable. Of course, how are you going to generate those referrals? Maybe implementing the HOW is the real goal!
Conflict with Self Image
I remember coaching an advisor that simply couldn’t see herself sitting at a kitchen table selling life insurance. She thought it was a tough way to make a living. I told her outright that she wouldn’t succeed in the business. Why she was hired – well, that’s another story. I was surprised she lasted two months. If you have a negative self-image related to your goal (I hate the gym), you will hate your goal.
No Action Steps
A goal is only as good as the action steps taken. Again, the HOW. I don’t know much but I do know that if you don’t focus on taking action steps every day or at least every week, you’ll never reach your desired outcome. Ask an author how they go about writing their book. They don’t just sit down one day and keep writing. Authors tend to write a little bit every day – usually at the same time every day. They get into a routine that becomes part of their day. Every big-time goal requires chipping away every day. A boxer training for a fight. A runner preparing for a marathon. An advisor, broker, or sales producer looking to hit their numbers. What do you need to do every day?
Bad Timing
Life does get in the way from time to time. Juggling a busy work schedule, aging parents, activities with kids, family obligations, and whatever else is a challenge for everyone. In taking on new frontiers and daring to think BIG, the timing has to work. When will the timing be better? Will the timing ever be better? If not, that may be another issue. We all can’t drop what we’re doing to write a book or train for a marathon but the key here is deciding when the right time is and putting it on the calendar. It’s just that simple.
Let’s get back to your goal. Maybe it’s business. Personal. Whatever. Make it a goal worth fighting for. Play big. The outcome should have a huge payoff. Like losing 30 pounds. Delivering a TED Talk. Generating enough sales to make Leaders Conference. Running that marathon. Writing that book. What would hitting your goal look like? How would it feel? What’s the payoff?
Here’s how to get your goal on track. I warn you it’s simple. And only works every time.
- Make a list of the action steps that will lead to the outcome you’re looking for.
- Arrange those action steps in chronological order. First I need to do this. Then I need to do that. And so on.
- Write a start date and end date for each of the action steps.
- Post each action step on your calendar as it pertains to start and end dates.
- Treat each of your scheduled action steps like a scheduled sales appointment. You wouldn’t reschedule or cancel one of those, right?
- Perform each action step with purpose. Evaluate if each step is realistic and doable. Make adjustments as appropriate.
- Stick to your plan. Work everything else that might get scheduled around your action steps.
That’s it! The simple part is the planning. The not so simple part is the doing. Review to ensure your goal is on track.
Absolutely let me know if I can be a resource in helping you to plan your work and work your plan.
Just think of the payoff.